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Galvanized steel is used in many industries and for many purposes, including:
Construction: Used in buildings, bridges, train lines, and sculptures. It’s also used for balconies, verandahs, staircases, ladders, and walkways.
Transportation: Used in the bodies of cars and bicycles.
Outdoor use: Used for outdoor pipes, bus stop benches, lighting columns, and pylons.
Playground equipment: Used for playsets because it’s more affordable and has a longer life expectancy than wood.
Solar and wind industries: Used in solar projects because it’s corrosion resistant and doesn’t require much maintenance.
Aerospace: Used because durability is important in aerospace design.
Nuts, bolts, and tools: Used to make corrosion-resistant fasteners.
Water and waste: Used for some drinking water pipes.
Decorative: Used for cornices, door and window hoods, roof ornaments, and decorative shingles.
Galvanized steel is treated with zinc to prevent corrosion. The zinc coating protects the underlying iron from corrosive substances.

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* Prices subject to change without notice due to the Metals Market fluctuations.
* All ‘value length’ and ‘value pack’ item measurements are subject to a “mill tolerance”. A product may be produced several thousandths of an inch, either over or under the stated thickness, and still be within “mill tolerance”. This does NOT apply to Cut To Size items. Those will be +.125″, -0.00″ tolerances.

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Schedule 10, 40, 80 Pipe Dimensions

Schedule (10, 40, 80)
Wall Thickness (in.)**
Sch.10 Sch.40 Sch.80
Wall (in) I.D. (in) Wall (in) I.D. (in) Wall (in) I.D. (in)
1/8" 0.41 od 0.049 in 0.312 id 0.07 in 0.269 id    
Steel 0.183 lbs/ft 0.247 lbs/ft  
1/4" 0.54 od 0.065 in 0.410 id 0.090 in 0.364 id 0.119 in 0.302 id
Steel 0.333 lbs/ft 0.429 lbs/ft 0.535 lbs/ft
Aluminum   0.147 lbs/ft  
3/8" 0.675 od 0.065 in 0.545 id 0.091 in 0.493 id 0.126 in 0.423 id
Steel 0.420 lbs/ft 0.570 lbs/ft 0.740 lbs/ft
Aluminum   0.196 lbs/ft  
1/2" 0.840 od 0.083 in 0.674 id 0.109 in 0.622 id 0.147 in 0.546 id
Steel 0.670 lbs/ft 0.850 lbs/ft 1.090 lbs/ft
Aluminum   0.294 lbs/ft 0.384 lbs/ft
3/4" 1.050 od 0.083 in 0.884 id 0.113 in 0.824 id 0.154 in 0.742 id
Steel 0.86 lbs/ft 1.13 lbs/ft 1.48 lbs/ft
Aluminum   0.391 0.520
1" 1.315 od 0.109 in 1.097 id 0.133 in 1.049 id 0.179 in 0.957 id
Steel 1.41 lbs/ft 1.68 lbs/ft 2.17 lbs/ft
Aluminum 0.481 lbs/ft 0.581 lbs/ft 0.781 lbs/ft
1-1/4" 1.66 od 0.109 in 1.442 id 0.140 in 1.380 id 0.191 in 1.278 id
Steel 1.81 lbs/ft 2.27 lbs/ft 3.00 lbs/ft
Aluminum 0.618 lbs/ft 0.785 lbs/ft 1.040 lbs/ft
1-1/2" 1.90 od 0.109 in 1.682 id 0.145 in 1.610 id 0.200 in 1.500 id
Steel 2.09 lbs/ft 2.72 lbs/ft 3.63 lbs/ft
Aluminum 0.714 lbs/ft 0.939 lbs/ft 1.260 lbs/ft
2" 2.375 od 0.109 in 2.157 id 0.154 in 2.067 id 0.218 in 1.939 id
Steel 2.64 lbs/ft 3.66 lbs/ft 5.03 lbs/ft
Aluminum 0.903 lbs/ft 1.260 lbs/ft 1.740 lbs/ft
2-1/2" 2.875 od 0.120 in 2.635 id 0.203 in 2.469 id 0.276 in 2.323 id
Steel 3.53 lbs/ft 5.80 lbs/ft 7.67 lbs/ft
Aluminum 1.209 lbs/ft 2.000 lbs/ft  
3" 3.50 od 0.120 in 3.26 id 0.216 in 3.068 id 0.30 in 2.90 id
Steel 4.34 lbs/ft 7.58 lbs/ft 10.26 lbs/ft
Aluminum 1.483 lbs/ft 2.620 lbs/ft 3.55 lbs/ft
3-1/2" 4.00 od 0.120 in 3.76 id 0.226 in 3.550 id 0.318 in 3.360 id
Steel 4.98 lbs/ft 9.12 lbs/ft 12.52 lbs/ft
Aluminum   3.150 lbs/ft 4.33 lbs/ft
4" 4.50 od 0.120 in 4.26 id 0.237 in 4.026 id 0.337 in 3.826 id
Steel 5.62 lbs/ft 10.80 lbs/ft 15.00 lbs/ft
Aluminum 1.922 lbs/ft 3.730 lbs/ft 5.180 lbs/ft
5" 5.563 od 0.134 in 5.295 id 0.258 in 5.047 id 0.375 in 4.813 id
Steel 7.78 lbs/ft 14.63 lbs/ft 20.80 lbs/ft
Aluminum 2.660 lbs/ft 5.050 lbs/ft 7.190 lbs/ft
6" 6.625 od 0.134 in 6.357 id 0.280 in 6.065 id 0.432 in 5.761 id
Steel 9.30 lbs/ft 18.99 lbs/ft 28.60 lbs/ft
Aluminum 3.181 lbs/ft 6.560 lbs/ft 9.880 lbs/ft
8" 8.625 od 0.148 in 8.329 id 0.322 in 7.981 id 0.500 in 7.625 id
Steel 13.41 lbs/ft 28.58 lbs/ft 43.43 lbs/ft
Aluminum   9.88 lbs/ft 15.010 lbs/ft
*Nominal sizes apply - Pipe Size is the generic Industry Size Standard for reference only
**Tolerances may vary slightly from each manufacturer
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Wire Gauges and Sheet Metal Gauges / Weights

Ga = Gauge | Wgt = Weight
Ga# Sheet Steel Galvanized Steel Stainless Steel Aluminum Strip & Tubing
38 0.0060       0.0062   0.0040    
37 0.0064       0.0066   0.0045    
36 0.0067       0.0070   0.0050   0.004
35 0.0075       0.0078   0.0056   0.005
34 0.0082       0.0086   0.0063   0.007
33 0.0090       0.0094   0.0071   0.008
32 0.0097       0.0102   0.0080   0.009
31 0.0105       0.0109   0.0089   0.010
30 0.0120 0.500 0.016 0.656 0.0125   0.0100 0.141 0.012
29 0.0135 0.563 0.017 0.719 0.0141   0.0113 0.160 0.013
28 0.0149 0.625 0.019 0.781 0.0156   0.0126 0.178 0.014
27 0.0164 0.688 0.020 0.844 0.0172   0.0142 0.200 0.016
26 0.0179 0.750 0.022 0.906 0.0187 0.756 0.0159 0.224 0.018
25 0.0209 0.875 0.025 1.031 0.0219   0.0179 0.253 0.020
24 0.0239 1.000 0.028 1.156 0.0250 1.008 0.0201 0.284 0.022
23 0.0269 1.125 0.031 1.281 0.0281   0.0226 0.319 0.025
22 0.0299 1.250 0.034 1.406 0.0312 1.26 0.0253 0.357 0.028
21 0.0329 1.375 0.037 1.531 0.0344   0.0285 0.402 0.032
20 0.0359 1.500 0.040 1.656 0.0375 1.512 0.0320 0.452 0.035
19 0.0418 1.750 0.046 1.906 0.0437   0.0359 0.507 0.042
18 0.0478 2.000 0.052 2.156 0.0500 2.016 0.0403 0.569 0.049
17 0.0538 2.250 0.058 2.406 0.0562   0.0453 0.639 0.058
16 0.0598 2.500 0.064 2.656 0.0625 2.52 0.0508 0.717 0.065
15 0.0673 2.813 0.071 2.969 0.0703   0.0571 0.806 0.072
14 0.0747 3.125 0.079 3.281 0.0781 3.15 0.0641 0.905 0.083
13 0.0897 3.750 0.093 3.906 0.0937   0.0720 1.016 0.095
12 0.1046 4.375 0.108 4.531 0.1094 4.41 0.0808 1.140 0.109
11 0.1196 5.000 0.123 5.156 0.1250 5.04 0.0907 1.280 0.120
10 0.1345 5.625 0.138 5.781 0.1406 5.67 0.1019 1.438 0.134
9 0.1495 6.250 0.153 6.406 0.1562   0.1144 1.614 0.148
8 0.1644 6.875 0.168 7.031 0.1719 6.93 0.1285 1.813 0.165
7 0.1793 7.500     0.1875 7.871 0.1443 2.036 0.180
6 0.1943 8.125     0.2031   0.1620 2.286 0.203
5 0.2092 8.750     0.2187   0.1819   0.220
4 0.2242 9.375     0.2344   0.2043   0.238
3 0.2391 10.00     0.2500   0.2294   0.259
2         0.2656   0.2576   0.284
1         0.2812   0.2893   0.300