2″ x 2″ x 7ga (.188″) Steel Square Tube A500

2″ x 2″ x 7ga (.188″) Steel Square Tube A500


Part#: SST22188 Category

2″ x 2″ x .188″wall Steel Square Tube A500

“HR steel square/rectangular tubing” refers to a type of square/rectangular-shaped steel tubing that has been manufactured through a “hot rolled” process, meaning the steel was heated to a high temperature during the shaping process, resulting in a more workable material with good strength-to-weight ratio and is often considered cost-effective for various applications.

Hot rolled square/rectangular tubes are primarily used in construction and structural applications due to their high strength and are commonly found in building frames, trailer components, industrial equipment, vehicle chassis, agricultural machinery, signposts, and various machine parts where precise tolerances are not critical; essentially anywhere a sturdy, robust structure is needed.

Key applications of hot rolled square/rectangular tubes:

  • Construction frameworks: Supporting columns, beams, and other structural elements in buildings.
  • Industrial machinery: Machine frames, components, and support structures
  • Trailer manufacturing: Trailer beds and chassis components
  • Automotive industry: Vehicle chassis components
  • Agricultural equipment: Frames and support structures for farm machinery
  • Signage: Signposts and support structures
  • Furniture Manufacturing: Metal frames for benches, tables, and other furniture

Why use hot rolled square/rectangular tubes:

  • Cost-effective: Hot rolling is a relatively inexpensive manufacturing process.
  • High strength: Provides good structural integrity for heavy-duty applications
  • Versatility: Can be easily welded and fabricated into various shapes

* Prices subject to change without notice due to the Metals Market fluctuations.
* All ‘value length’ and ‘value pack’ item measurements are subject to a “mill tolerance”. A product may be produced several thousandths of an inch, either over or under the stated thickness, and still be within “mill tolerance”. This does NOT apply to Cut To Size items. Those will be +.125″, -0.00″ tolerances.