Forney 55816 Welding Cap Size 7-1/4

Forney 55816 Welding Cap Size 7-1/4


Part#: F55816 Category

Forney 55816 Welding Cap, Multi-Colored Reversible Size 7-1/4 Welding cap, Colorful and sporty looking. Assorted colors available. 100% cotton cap that resists sparks. Bill assembled with multi-layers of cloth for Flexibility. Multi-Colored Reversible Size 7-1/4.

* Prices subject to change without notice due to the Metals Market fluctuations.
* All ‘value length’ and ‘value pack’ item measurements are subject to a “mill tolerance”. A product may be produced several thousandths of an inch, either over or under the stated thickness, and still be within “mill tolerance”. This does NOT apply to Cut To Size items. Those will be +.125″, -0.00″ tolerances.